Professor Antonio Llombart-Bosch M.D.
Profesor Emérito de la Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad de Valencia
Born in San Sebastian, Spain, (20/08/35). Married with four children.
- MD degree in Medicine and Surgery, University of Valencia, Spain, 1959
- PhD doctorate, University of Valencia, Spain 1965.
Current research interests
- PROTHETS. European Consortium. Grant of the EU. Contractor Nº: 503056 (2005-2008). Prognosis and therapeutic targets in the “Ewing family of tumors”.
- EUROBONET, European Network to Promote Research into Uncommon Cancers in Adults and Children.
- EUROCAN-NETWORK. European Consortium Grant of the EU. Contractor nº
- FISS project Madrid: Nº P1040822 (2005-2008). Study of differential diagnostic markers, and mechanisms of tumor progression in undifferentiated sarcomas of bone and soft tissues, with special reference to the ES/PNET family of tumors.
- Conselleria de Empresa, Universidad y Ciencia. Proyecto Nº ID-2004/GV/4B208. (2005-2006): Characterization of biological factors associated with human renal carcinogenesis induced by prolonged exposure to low-dose ionizing radiation following the Chernobyl nuclear accident (Ukraine).
Current positions
- Honorary Professor Emeritus, Faculty of Medicine, University of Valencia, Spain.
- Invited Professor, Faculty of Medicine, Universidad del Norte, Barranquilla, Colombia.
- Invited Professor, Instituto Superior de Ciencias Medicas, Habana, Cuba.
- President, Fundación Instituto Valenciano de Oncología (IVO).
- President, Real Academia de Medicina de la Comunidad Valenciana.
Co-operation in joint international investigations with centers in:
- France, USA, Germany, Cuba, Ukraine and Russia.
Principal areas of developed lines of research:
- Experimental and Human Urological and Renal Carcinogenesis.
- Biopathology of Undifferentiated Sarcomas in Bone and Soft Tissue.
- Experimental and Human Liver Cancer.
- Cytogenetics and Molecular Biology of Solid Neoplasms in Humans.
- Breast Cancer.
- Descriptive Pathology of Human and Experimental Neoplasms.
Current appointments and awards
- Executive Committee member International Union Against Cancer (UICC).
- Scientific Advisor Asociación de Ligas Latinoamericanas contra el Cáncer, (ALICC).
- Advisor, EFEC Ecole de Formation Européenne en Cancérologie, FNCLCC, France
- Member of several Editorial Boards of International Scientific Journals and honorary member of many Scientific Societies and Royal Academies of Medicine.
- Officer of the Order of the French Legion of Honor (France, 2002).
Previous appointments and activities
- Professor of Pathology, University of Valencia, (1975 to 2005).
- Dean of Medical School, (1980-83, 1990-93)
- Director of Pathology Department, (1983-90, 1993-1999). Directed 54 PhD degree theses.
- Former President and Chairman of several National and International Pathology Organizations
- Principal investigator in several national and international projects
- Organizer of several International Congresses
- Books and Book Chapters in 27 scientific publications
- 625 scientific articles published in National (293) and International Journals (332).
“Epidemiologia, prevención, diagnóstico y tratamiento del cáncer de próstata”
La Cátedra de Innovación y Gestión Sanitaria, con el patrocinio de Janssen, les presenta el Seminario “Epidemiologia, prevención, diagnóstico y tratamiento del cáncer de próstata” que tendrá lugar el día 17 de junio en la Real Academia de Medicina de la Comunidad Valenciana.